OFF THE CLOCK 2018 - Call for Entry NOW OPEN - Closes Feb. 9

Photo: Cade Martin - 2017 Off The Clock Winner
This Year's Guest Curator - Laurie Kratochvil
Deadline for entries is Friday Feb 9, 2018
Single Entry Fees:
APA member: $20 per image
Non-member: $40 per image
OFF THE CLOCK is APA-LA’s seventh annual curated exhibit of inspired personal photography. Images will be chosen by one curator who will carefully select the top 100 images from the submissions. Give it your best shot! This year we are honored to welcome LAURIE KRATOCHVIL as our curator for Off The Clock.
All of the top Creatives in our region will receive special invitations, so this is a superb opportunity to show them your finest personal work. After the opening reception, the 100 selected framed images will rotate throughout multiple agencies summer 2018. Agencies include Ignited, Saatchi & Saatchi Los Angeles, David & Goliath, and RPA. This gives your personal work exposure to creatives at the top advertising agencies in the US. We will also display the complete exhibition on our website for a full year, so your finest personal work will be available to thousands more clients. We’ve chosen a very large and wonderfully popular venue that will accommodate 100 framed prints, so your chances of participating in OFF THE CLOCK are truly excellent! You can online-enter as many JPEG images as you like. We’ve limited the number of accepted pieces from any one photographer to their top, as decided by the curator.
Creatives love to see pro photographers’ personal work, because it reveals their true photographic style, without anyone else’s influence or input. OFF THE CLOCK is easy to enter. No confusing categories. No series of images. No creation date restrictions. No vastly different size prints or frames. Only strong, original, creative, truly personal work gets accepted. Entries may be black and white, duotone, or color, and should be self-commissioned and must represent what you consider to be your finest personal work. There is no limitation on when your images were created. Alternative print processes (copper plate, tin type, etc) are acceptable; there will be an extra framing fee.
Opening Reception April 21, 2018 (MOPLA and APA LOS ANGELES will share opening night in one location)
Exhibition at Santa Monica Art Studio April 21 - May 12, 2018
Santa Monica Art Studios, Hanger Gallery South 3026 Airport Avenue Santa Monica, CA 90405
By entering The APA Off The Clock Curated Exhibit, Entrants:
- Warrant to APA LA that they have created and own the work submitted (including all elements of the work) and that nothing within any work has been copied or added from another person’s work.
- Warrant that the whole copyright and any other form of intellectual property right in the work is vested in them.
- Warrant that they have not in any way assigned, licensed, disposed of, or otherwise encumbered any of their rights which allow them to deal freely with the work and the copyright therein.
- Warrant that they have obtained model or property releases from any persons and/or property owners requiring such, featured in their submitted photographs allowing publication in any and all media forms.
- Agree that their work may be exhibited or shown during APA sponsored events, as well as on the APA website and APA promotional materials, allowing for the photographer to retain complete control over the licensing and sale of their work.
- Agree that APA may reproduce and may allow reproduction of winning images in APA approved publications. Credit will be given to the photographer for any image(s) used.
- Acknowledge that APA relies fully upon the warranties and license given by Entrants when submitting their entries for consideration to The APA Off The Clock Curated Exhibit. Entrants indemnify and hold APA harmless from any claims, actions, proceedings, costs and expenses arising as a result of any allegation that the relevant Entrant did not own or is not wholly entitled and authorized to allow publication and reproduction of the work by APA.
- APA LA reserves the right to disqualify any winner not providing the required personal information, headshot, and/or winning image in the requested file format and size within two weeks of APA's request via the contact information supplied by the entrant. Replacement winners will be selected at the curator's discretion.
- Curating is a blind process. Photographer's names will only be disclosed to the Curator after the curating process has been completed. The decision of the Curator of the competition shall be final and binding.
- Entrants retain full copyright to their images and grant no usage to APA LA other than those granted herein. APA LA, the Sponsors, or Venues showing an exhibition of winners shall not be liable for any loss or damage of any entry. Submission of an entry to the competition automatically constitutes the contestant's acceptance of all conditions set forth in the above rules. It also acknowledges the right of APA LA to use the photographer's likeness and information, as well as the winning images, in exhibitions and promotions, in any and all forms of print, electronic and digital media, related to APA Off The Clock Curated Exhibit for up to 24 months following the 2018 Competition winners announcement.
- Deadline for entries is FEBRUARY 9, 2018. Entry fees cannot be refunded, once submitted.
- Winners will be announced on/or about April 2, 2018
- Only digital images are accepted through our online submission process.
- Image size no smaller than 800 pixels on the long side and at most 1280 pixels, 72 dpi, sRGB color profile, with no visible identifying text/symbols
- Image files need no unique title by the entrant. Image files are identified to the entry and assigned an arbitrary ID for the "blind" judging.
- A single entry is one image.
- Sorry, no panoramas, diptychs or triptychs will be accepted.
- There is no limit on the number of single entries submitted.
- You may not enter an image that has won Off The Clock in previous years.
- You may not enter substantially similar images that have won Off The Clock in previous years
- There is no restriction on when the entry image is created Agencies have the right to dismiss from the Off The Clock Agency Summer Rotation any image that they deem as objectionable
- A maximum of 5 images by the same artist may be selected for Off The Clock.
- You do not need to be an APA member to enter the contest, but members receive a discount on entry fees.
- Anyone claiming APA membership must be current in their dues at the time of entry and when winners are announced.
Questions? Please email: