Join us at The Arsenal Studio in Culver City where festivities will include music, food and networking.
Party On!
Tuesday, Dec 5, 2017
The Arsenal Studio
8439 Warner Dr.
Culver City, CA 90232
Photographers submit up to 3 images for the projection reel which will run during the entire party. Submission Specs (JPG max pixels 1920Wx1080H), File Naming first_last_1. Submit to Submissions DUE December 1.
Images must be appropriate in nature. Must be registered and in attendance to participate in the slideshow.
Parking: Street Parking Available
Or Ride-share with UBER
RSVP required
Everyone is Welcome!
2024 Off The Clock Gallery - Curated by George Kocis
Show your APA Membership card at Samy's Camera and receive 20% discount on all rentals!