APA LA Know Your Business: From The Client Call to The Finished Project

Mon 14th Dec, 2020

Posted by APA Admin in Insight

KNOW YOUR BUSINESS: From The Client Call To The Finished Project

Presented by APA Los Angeles 


Dana Hursey / Photographer

Rebecca Schatten / Producer - Arpen Productions

Watch workshop introduction video HERE 

APA members with Passcode can watch this entire informative two hour workshop for free! HERE

APA members log on to the member Discount Code page on our website to get your Passcode HERE or email APA Director

Not an APA member? This valuable workshop alone is worth a membership! Join at any level HERE! 


You got an inquiry, next steps…
They are asking me to sign stuff… What do I do?
Do I need a producer? And if so, when do I bring them in?
The Creative Call.
What to ask, what not to ask.
The Treatment
The Estimate
Terms and Conditions.
Pre-Production Day / Call
Shoot Day
Post Production / Delivery
Invoicing / Collection

Dana Hursey:

Dana Hursey is an award winning commercial advertising and fine art photographer. With over 30 years of producing major campaigns for companies such as Lowe’s Home Improvements, Disney, Volkswagen, Four Seasons and UnitedHealthcare, Dana is a leader in the commercial photography industry.  Dana received his BFA in Photography from Art Center College of Design and is regularly invited back as a guest lecturer and occasionally teaches selected workshops and courses. His numerous awards include both his commercial as well as fine art work, and he has been featured in several one man exhibitions both in the U.S. and abroad. Dana has been named one of the 200 Best Ad Photographers Worldwide by Lürzer’s Archive Magazine. He also received great acclaim for his 14 Days in Great Britain Documentary Series as well as his visuals in the “Cart for a Cause” Cookbook, sponsored by Lexus, featuring 35 of L.A.’s top chefs, and their recipes, with 100% of proceeds going to the St. Vincent Meals on Wheels Program. 

https://hursey.com    @danahurseyphotography

Rebecca Schatten:

Arpen Productions founder Rebecca Schatten’s love of photography drew her to production early in life. After graduating college she began her professional career in NYC managing one of the most prestigious still life photography studios in the city.  Over the next decade she produced, cast, prop styled, set built and fetched coffee for some of the biggest clients in the industry.  After coming to the realization that the NYC dating pool was in need of some serious chlorine, she moved out to L.A. to start her own production company, get married, win some awards and have 2 awesome kids.  Rebecca has made a name for herself in both NYC and L.A. as an award winning producer and mentor,  having produced  some of the most prominent national and international photo shoots for clients such as American Express, Coca-Cola, GAP, HP, Marriott, Merck, Nike, Delta and Cisco, just to name a few. And according to her kids, she makes the best banana pancakes….EVER!   

 https://www.arpenproductions.com     @arpenproductions



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