Q&A series with Andrea Stern of @AskSternRep
Tuesday October 19th - Episode 19 (Part 2 of Ep 18)
"The Photographer’s Guide to Effective Marketing"
With Guests:
• Amy V. Cooper - Photography Consultant
• Julie Skarwecki - Photography Consultant
Andrea Stern:
Andrea Stern is the founder of SternRep, an LA based, boutique agency representing a group of passionate and talented commercial photographers in the product, automotive and lifestyle industries among others.
She is also the founder of @AskSternRep – free resource forum for photographers and entrepreneurs.
https://www.sternrep.com https://asksternrep.com @asksternrep
Amy V. Cooper:
Amy V. Cooper is one of the top photography consultants in the U.S. with over 20 years of experience working as a professional photographer, photo editor (for magazines and television), art buyer (for advertising agencies and Fortune 500 brands) and as a photography agent. She has the unique experience of having been on every possible side of the camera with a variety of clients including UPS, Microsoft, Mary Kay, Coca-Cola, Netflix, Teen Vogue, Esquire and many more brands. Amy is a high-vibe Sagittarius who loves encouraging and empowering commercial and editorial photographers at all levels of experience. She most recently developed a very generously priced Commercial and Editorial Photography Marketing Masterclass to help photographers expand their business and understanding of the industry during Covid-19. Amy is a mentor to Black women photographers and offers sliding scale pricing to Black, Indigenous, female and other photographers of color. In 2017 Amy launched the #DiversifyTheLens campaign to increase the awareness of the underrepresentation of women in advertising photography and has since partnered with Focus On Women to create networking opportunities for female-identifying visual artists.
https://www.amyvcooper.com @amyvcooper
Julie Skarwecki:
Julie Skarwecki is a consultant specializing in helping artists define their personal brands, strengthen their portfolios, connect with photo editors and art buyers, and successfully target their ideal clients using strategic marketing and promotional tactics. She has over ten years of experience as a photography agent, studio assistant, and photo assistant, and has worked with photographers and illustrators with client lists that include: Amazon, Facebook, Coca-Cola, Nike, Under Armour, Adidas, Instagram, Gatorade, Fendi, Whole Foods, Target, Delta, Bud Light, Dropbox, Google, Converse, West Elm, Asics, Chevrolet, Lexus, Cadillac, Reebok, Dior, Dwell, Lyft, and more.
https://www.julieskarwecki.com @julieskarweckiconsulting
2024 Off The Clock Gallery - Curated by George Kocis
The Print Studio offers a full range of Fine Art print services. IATSE Local 700 recognized and offer a range of retouching, printing and traditional services.