Off The Clock 2024 Best In Show Winner: George Craig

Thu 15th Aug, 2024

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© George Craig, 2024 Off The Clock Best In Show winning image - Land Swells

Can you tell us what inspired your Best In Show image and how it was created? 

The image was taken from the front deck of the house we live in, which is in the central Texas Hill Country. Using a bit of camera movement takes the ordinary 'landscape' image and gives it movement and a painterly feel. I have always appreciated abstract painters and print makers and, for me, anything that can give a photograph more depth is a plus for the image. It also lets the viewer interpret it in their own personal way since the "abstraction" speaks differently to each and every one of us. 

You say that landscape has always played a part in your photographic process, can you elaborate on that?

In my commercial work, which is primarily location/corporate/advertising, the setting and project tasks that I encounter are enveloped in the geographical location at hand. So, time of day, seasons, and weather conditions all affect the photographic outcome. It's hard to tell a story about companies that produce say oil/gas, wind energy, agricultural products, or real estate development without including the environmental region from which they come. Add to this that my wife's father was a geologist and some of that knowledge has filtered down through her insights into the way I view the landscape; it's not only a pretty picture but a geological formation that dates back millions and millions of years. We travel Texas quite often and the book Roadside Geology of Texas educates us in the formations of the terrain we are looking at. This has changed the way I look at the landscape we live in.

© George Craig

©George Craig

You travel extensively, what stands out most from your travels in terms of your photography?

That's an easy answer...traveling broadens your horizons visually, mentally, and spiritually. As a teenager, I drove from my home in Texas to Mexico's Pacific Coast on surfing adventures. That's when I picked up a camera to document my trips so I could bring back photos of the places and people that we saw and share these encounters with friends and family back home. At that time in the '60's and '70's, Mexico was a completely different country than it is now. We had to converse with the locals and their engaging qualities and kindness was so simple, yet so powerful. It has left a lasting impression on me to this day.

You’ve been a fine art printer for many years – what’s the printing process like for you? What led you to explore the unique papers from around the world?

I have worked in various photographic labs over the early years in my career, and after decades of seeing a photograph only printed on photo paper, I was trying to find another was to visualize the image where it could create more depth, and/or have some type of texture to give it a sense of life. I started coating my own papers in the darkroom, experimenting with tintypes, printing on glass...any surface to enhance and try to achieve more than a two-dimensional surface. Coming into the era of digital inkjet printing in the 1980's introduced new ways to print on just about any surface you could fit into your printer. Using the different substrates gives you some new variety, and can enhance the strength of the image.

© George Craig

© George Craig

Do you find that submitting to contests, such as Off The Clock, has been a help for your career? How do you choose which ones to enter?

After years of submitting (some successful, some not) to photo competitions, I have a rule of thumb that I follow. It's not about winning the prize, or whether or not I am selected for the show, it's all about the curator for the exhibition. Getting to show your work and photographic style to someone that is an expert--has credentials and a knowledge of what photographic art is--is the important thing for me. But,yes, it's also nice to be recognized.

Final question: What gets you up in the morning and inspires you?

Besides my cats, a nice cup of coffee...I am usually up before sunrise, so seeing the light bend and shape its way over the horizon is a wonderful visual stimulation. Out in the country, it's those quiet moments that give me time to reflect on where I've come from and which direction to take. Sounds simple, but those meditative moments help me focus on the next project.

George Craig 

I began taking pictures at the age of 16 of the places that I traveled to while on surfing vacations, so that I could share images of beautiful Mexico with friends and family back home, I continued my appreciation of photography and got employment with a commercial photo lab in Houston, working after school while attending college. Liking the darkroom side and learning about films was a great benefit to me and set up my own darkroom at home so I could manage and process my own b&w film. I graduated from the University of Texas with a degree in photojournalism, then spent 3 years in St Louis working with sports photographer Lew Portnoy, and working again at a photo lab, learning all aspects of color film and processing. Knowing what was possible to do to push/pull films, learning all about Kodak and Ilford and their products, and how Polaroid would be an integral part of my commercial photography process. Polaroid was the way to preview commercial work before the days of digital cameras. I settled back in my hometown of Houston, Texas and began my 50 year career, specializing in on-location Commercial photography. All types of corporate photography was happening in the '80's and 90's. Traveled the states and other parts of the world with energy companies. learned new innovations in the medical field, became affiliated with many school and university systems, and helped all of my clients tell their stories. After moving to the Hill Country of central Texas, I have been focusing on my fine art photography and printing pursuit, with occasional corporate assignments to stay focused. A life member of ASMP, and a 10 yr member of American Photographic Artists.




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