Premieres Dec 9, 2020
Host, photographer and Chairman of American Photographic Artists NY Travis Keyes sits down in this latest deep dive conversation with Preston Ehrler a freelance photojournalist.
Preston Ehrler after living in Manhattan and working in finance for almost 20 years, Preston became a journalist, writing an opinion column and articles for a local Pennsylvania newspaper. The job morphed into a passion, and I created MilfordNow, a thriving, online hyper-local news site, that garnered state-wide attention in Pennsylvania, and was sold to Straus News in 2016.
Recently, his photos have been seen in, The Huffington Post, Peta Pixel, Vox, Axios, Essence Magazine, The Atlantic, Yahoo News, MSN, The Guardian, The Evening Standard UK, Fox News, Mother Jones, Politico, US News and World Report, The Wall Street Journal, Time, Fortune, CNN, and Rolling Stone, as well as many others.
2024 Off The Clock Gallery - Curated by George Kocis
Learn the dynamics of visual communication to illustrate an idea, record an event, articulate a story, capture a mood, sell a product, or interpret characters.