Thursday August 6 - Episode 9
Guest: Photographer - Chris Burkard
"What do we do right now to be a successful photographer?"
Andrea Stern:
Andrea Stern is the founder of SternRep, an LA based, boutique agency representing a group of passionate and talented commercial photographers in the product, automotive and lifestyle industries among others.
She is also the founder of @AskSternRep – a free resource forum for photographers and entrepreneurs. @asksternrep
Chris Burkard:
Chris Burkard is an accomplished explorer, photographer, creative director, speaker, and author. Traveling throughout the year to pursue the farthest expanses of Earth, Burkard works to capture stories that inspire humans to consider their relationship with nature, while promoting the preservation of wild places everywhere.
Layered by outdoor, travel, adventure, surf, and lifestyle subjects, Burkard is known for images that are punctuated by untamed, energized landscapes and peak moments of adventure. He has accumulated an audience of over one million followers to become a globally recognized social influencer.
Burkard is often central in synthesizing the creative projects he is involved in, across stakeholders. His holistic and visionary perspective has earned him opportunities to work on global, prominent campaigns with Fortune 500 clients, appear as a TED speaker, develop specialty product lines, teach national and international photography workshops and publish a collection of books, including a children’s book. Along with his team, Burkard is based out of his full-scale production studio and art gallery near his hometown in Central Coast California.
At the age of 30, Burkard has established himself as a global presence and influencer, accomplishing a prolific portfolio, connecting people from around the world and producing some of the most recognized creative work of our time. @chrisburkard
2024 Off The Clock Gallery - Curated by George Kocis